There were more than 400 Cases of SERIOUS ACCIDENTS reported EVERYDAY in the year 2016 as reported by The Times of India dated 13th April 2017. That’s a whopping 1.46 Lakhs accidents a year.
Types of Plans
- Only Death Cover In case of accidental death, the sum insured is paid to the nominee. Plans start at Rs 1328/- per annum for a 25 Lacs basic cover. These premiums are not age-related.
- Death + Permanent Total
Disability Cover (PTD) For covering Death + Loss of major limbs as
per the scope of cover
- Death + PTD + Partial Total
Disability Cover (PPD)In case of loss of any limb partially. This claim is
paid as a percentage of the Total cover depending on the loss of the limb/s
- Death + PTD + PPD +
Temporary Total Disability Cover (TTD) Cover for temporary
disablement which may render a person inactive to earn a livelihood
temporarily. A claim can be taken for up to 100 weeks
- Coverage for hospitalization
in case of Accident (Over and above the Mediclaim Limit with no waiting
- Coma Cover In case the
insured goes into a coma state requires Life support measures to sustain
life, Permanent neurological deficit.
- EMI Payment Cover Up to 3 months of EMI cover in case there is a Partial disablement that
restricts the capability to do continue livelihood activities and procure
- Fracture Care This
extension is available for Fracture injuries. Claims are paid as a %age of
the sum insured depending on the type of fracture
- Loan Protector Cover In
case of Death or Permanent disability, you may claim a waiver of the total pending loan
- Air & Road Ambulance
- Adventure Sports
Cover First of its kind cover for recognized adventure sports
activities that may result in death or Permanent Disability
- Long-term plans (up to 3
Years) with discounts Get attractive discounts (up to 10% of premium)
on long-term policies. Also, lock in your premium rate for three years
- Plans for Working executives
who already have medical Already have a Mediclaim? Think it may not
be enough? Add coverage to your existing plans with a Super Top-up Cover.
- High Coverage plans Upto 5
Crore Rupees Coverage limit of Five Crore Rupees according to your Income.